Linen Cat Toy Tutorial
Make something for your faithful companion using our favorite fabric….linen!
This cat toy is inspired by Martha Stewart’s Catnip Fish Toy. I stuffed my adorable cat toys with cotton rather than catnip, but you can fill yours with catnip if you like.
I chose my colors based on what pieces of linen I had leftover from other projects. I wonder if there are certain colors cats are more attracted to….does anyone reading know? If so, I’d love to know!
The steps for this are incredibly easy-to-follow and don’t even require a sewing machine if you don’t want to break yours out.
Even the clumsiest sewing skills work just fine for this craft! It’s all about having fun making a simple craft for your little pet. In fact, I always think it adds a certain charm when something is hand-stitched.
Well then, let’s get this craft started! You only need a few materials to make this playful fish toy for your feline friend.
- Linen
- Cotton stuffing (which I tend to refer to simply as “fluff”)
- Scissors
- Needle and threadTwine (optional)
- Catnip (optional)
- Fish Template (available here)
Then, cut out your two fishes.
Place the two cut-out fishes on top of each other so all the edges line up. Then, thread your needle and begin to stitch them together. Stitch about a ¼ inch from the edge.
If you want to attach a piece of string to the end of the toy, this is the time to do so. I used twine for mine and inserted it through a whole I made with a needle.
I tightly knotted the end so it will be able to survive even an extra feisty kitty. You can knot the other end in a loop to fit around your hand if you like also.
Hand-stitch the open at the mouth shut so that its completely closed.

nicole novembrino
Hi Elena! I used IL019 linen in Turtle Green, Vineyard Green, Cement, and Taxicab.
What shades of linen were used on the kitty toys? These fishies convey the fabric shades so much better than the swatches on the website :)!
nicole novembrino
@Amy- Thanks! I’m happy I was able to guess a couple colors right!
@Franchesca- Sewing the string along the inside is probably much better reinforcement (especially if you have an extra playful kitty). Great idea! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I would only add one more thing to these. 🙂
My kitty rips the strings off all her toys. I would run the “dragging” string (if you end up using it as a teasing toy) all around the fish. Just sew it along the inside edge before you turn it inside out. 🙂
Great toys. I made some like this and added some “tails” of 5″ shredded fabric. They have “fluff” and catnip inside. My cats love them and usually pick them out of their toy basket first! Good job!
Amy L. Finkel
About colors cats can see: Hi, Nicole! Actually, as far as what colors are visible to cats, you got it exactly right. The latest research shows that kitties see yellows, greens and perhaps some blues, but not oranges or reds. Oddly, our vision is sharper than cats’… that is, we can focus more clearly… but cats’ perception of motion is far more sensitive than ours (science has no answer for us, yet, on why they always want to be on the other side of a closed door).
Thanks for an adorable article!
-Amy L.,
Alpharetta, GA.