The Linen Bread Bag revisited!
Storing bread in linen is the best method to prevent it from going stale.’ Better than plastic bags or tupperware, linen maintains the softness of bread, while preserving its crisp exterior.’ So enjoy your bread another day or two without having to hurt your teeth on tough crust and tasteless bread!
I really enjoy baking and so when I’m giving away some baked treats, I like to wrap them in one of these linen bags. ‘ It is always nice to add a nice homemade touch to something. ‘ Plus, it looks so much more thoughtful and beautiful than plastic wrap. ‘ Giving away freshly baked goodies in a linen bag you sewed yourself is a really sweet gesture. ‘ It doesn’t take very long to do, but sometimes the smallest touch like this can make a difference.
I just sew these up in my spare time with any scraps of linen I have from other projects. ‘ The size of these bags can vary, depending on your preference. ‘ Also, feel free to get creative with your linen colors! ‘ I think some embroidery is the perfect thing for this bag. ‘ If you know how to embroider, then this is a great craft to add some embellishments to.
- Pre-laundered linen (about a 1/4 yard)
- Scissors
- Measuring tape
- Sewing machine
- 1 yard of 4C22
I chose to make my bag with heavyweight 4C22 linen. ‘ This linen is 7.1 ounces per square yard and works well for this particular project.
I’ve made this bag before in Natural linen, but today I am making it in a softened White linen. ‘ The softened linen goes through a different process when it is manufactured. ‘ There are no added chemicals or anything like that. ‘ The only difference between the softened and unsoftened linen options are the texture. ‘ I like both types, but just chose to go with the softened version today.
With your sewing machine, just make a straight seam all the way along the two side edges.
I couldn’t help but show it in a Natural linen just for fun! ‘ I know its obvious I am a huge fan of the Natural linen, but can you see why? ‘ I just love how it looks. ‘ I like the way it adds a rustic charm to my kitchen and home.The one pictured above is 4C22 Natural unsoftened linen, but you can look at all 4C22 linens by clicking on the button below:
Fold the top of your bag in a 1/2 inch and then over again another inch. ‘ Sew this fold to create your drawstring. ‘ Leave a little opening at the end so you can slip your string though!
Using a safety pin or paper clip, work your string through the opening and along the space.
Now that the string is in place, just remove the paper clip or safety pin.
Adjust the drawstring so it is evenly distributed along the top and you are all done!
If you are looking for something to sew with linen, try this project out! It is easy and is something you can use for years to come.’ This drawstring bag style doesn’t have to be used for only for bread.’ It is a good bag to store items in and can be used for many different purposes.
Find the 4C22 linen you need to make one by clicking on the button below:
The DIY Bread Bag in Natural linen post is also up if you want to visit that tutorial once more.
Don’t forget to visit our Facebook page for more fun craft ideas!
Julie C
Instead of a drawstring that can let air in, tie the bag closed. I crocheted a string (chain stitch) with cotton and then tacked it onto the side so it doesn’t get lost, and you seal off air leaks. I make my linen bread bags from vintage lined napkins that I pick up in thrift stores, flea markets, from older friends, and antique shops!
Michelle Huot
Do you have a picture? I’m having a hard time visualizing it.
Genev Reed
Made four bread bags. My husband swears the toast from homemade bread stored in these are the very best you can eat. Cut the heel off and keep it to protect rest of loaf. Thanks
JoAnna Mobley
Good Luck trying to find 100% Linen else where…mostly I found “Linen Look” or blends… I did find some at a local quilt shop, but had to pay $18 per yard for Handkerchief Linen. I only bought 1/2 yard to get started making these and ordered a few more yards from this web site. The $8 shipping is much less than I would have to pay driving around trying to find Linen and then paying a much higher price for it. Can’t wait for my order to arrive.
Julie C
I find linen napkins that are fairly large at antique shops, thrift stores, etc very inexpensively! Also, you can sometimes find linen clothing in larger sizes, as well as curtains, and cut your bags from those. My husband’s grandmother gave me a ton of vintage linen napkins and I made everyone linen bread bags (also good for cookies, biscuits, etc) and they love them!
Do you think it would be okay to use a linen/rayon mix fabric? That’s what I actually have on hand. Thank you!
Michelle Huot
No. It’s all about the linen.
Thank you for sharing this tutorial . Looking forward to making these and giving my bread for gifts
How do you keep the drawstring from getting lost in the seam if you pull on one side two hard?
On the side of the bag opposite the opening for the drawstring, sew a small vertical line of stitches from the lower edge of the header hem to the top of the bag (about 1/2 inch).
What if you tie a know on each end that is bigger than the opening?
I meant to say tie a “knot” on each end that is bigger than the opening, not “know”. Sorry for the typo
Tying a knot or knotting the two string ends together would prevent the string from getting lost in the bag.
Michelle Huot
If you really have a problem with this, sew a button on the end of the strings. Or thread a big bead into the string.
I love the choices of linen on this site. And I am really happy with the DIY tutorials. Keep them coming. I usually order more than just 1 yard so I don’t mind the shipping charges.
I don’t know why folks are so mean sometimes. Its just a project for using of scraps of other projects, which makes using linen more affordable. Right now, I can buy linen here for about 1/3 the cost of linen in a fabric store, and not much more than cotton Osnaberg in a fabric store. Since linen lasts considerably longer than cotton, I’m making more of the family clothing from what I get here, and I’m only on here seeking projects to use up scrap, so I don’t waste it.
What wonderful information!! Thank you for noting many of the virtues of lovely linen.
Can you also freeze in this bag? I like to freeze my bread because I like to make 3-5 batches at a time to save time and money in the future. thanks
sorry for the typos. I want bolts of the long staple linen. Please. for sheets and doonas.
Hi I just read this. I will make some bags of reread and other food.
Linen is a beautiful fabric.
It does not allow mould, virus or fungi to survive, it throws off odours and is cool in summer, warm in winter. It absorbs moisture and evaporates it.
So this is a very interesting use of linen for a Bread Bag. I know now why it was the fabric of choice for bandages, along with garlic(kills viruses and other microorganisms), and lavender (still used in French hospitals), by Florence Nightingale.
I am about to make linen clothes bags and suit bags for my boy. No moth or grub or bug will touch the beautiful linen. No mustiness from the linen!!
And I am still hoping for the long staple middle weight linen to come again. want roll soy it for sheets and donnas, for me, my son and his dowry.
Wow! I didn’t realize that linen had all of those properties! I was curious as to why linen would be so good for such a project!
Carolyn Crowder
I made this bag last time you posted this. Its a nice pattern. I used extra linen I had leftover from a suit in my shop. I’ve used it as a lingerie bag when traveling. Great pattern!!!
hi ikea did sell linen cheaply not sure if they still do maybe worth checking out if shipping costs are making bying linen prohibative
Teresa Trucks
I have some ikea linen. Unfortunately, it’s not the same quality nor do they have the color selection. Shipping for small amounts does seem out of proportion but I rarely need a small amount!
40 minutes away is the nearest community to me that offers fabric of any quality. When I recieved my first order from your company, I KNEW Id found quality!!! Im not sure if Ive placed 2 orders or 3 so far, but there will be more. Martha, you could take advantage of shipping fees by purchasing more than 1 yard. Linen is something that can always be put to use. OR…go in with other friends who also sew. You’ll be impressed with the quality of the all linen fabric, such as Ive recieved….I LOVE IT!!!!
merla schoenberg
I agree. The quality is so very good! Order in quantity or go together with friends. You will be pleasantly surprised…
ann p.
I also hate shipping and handling add ons. But I have a problem that a lot of us have.
I don’t live anywhere near a good fabric store. There are a couple of small stores in the nearest city (23 miles away) and they don’t have linen or quality fine cottons. The big so-called fabric store has a bit of fabric but caters more to those who want to buy plastic flowers and unpainted bird houses, etc.
When I drive to town, it costs at least two gallons of gas for the round trip. I do run multiple errands each trip, but more and more often I can’t find what I need (not just fabric), so I come home and order from the web.
The nearest city that probably has a selection of linen is a four and a half hour drive. We go there maybe twice a year.
The economics of life in these United States tell me that my time is worth something and wandering trying to find a particular classic fabric costs time and gas $$ as well as the frustration factor.
I’m glad to have the e-commerce options.
mary spurlock
The linen bread bag is just what I needed to give with a casserole tote I will make for my best friend. With a touch of embroidery , of course!
Mary Spurlock
I went to order linen to make the bread bag and was appalled at the shipping and handling cost. I’ll be getting my fabric some other place. I can not see paying almost $8 to get one yard of fabric shipped. That is just way beyond reasonable in my book. I understand that expenses have increased, but not THAT much. S/H is one reason I generally do not do business online, unless there is free shipping. In this case, as holds true in many orders, the S/H is more than the item ordered. How much effort does it take to find a bolt, make a cut and put it in a bag? I have worked in a fabric store, so I understand what it takes to cut fabric! Thanks but no thanks to your merchandize. I’ll wait for a free shipping day or get it locally!
Michelle Huot
You’ll be back. Try and find the quality of this linen. Wait for sales and look at the savings as down payment on shipping.
Megan Boyd
Look at it this way, for $8 someone is going to pack up your order, someone else is going to come get it, then take it to where ever you happen to be, and deliver it personally. Sounds like a bargain to me. I have to admit, though, I like to go to the doggie bag section, and add remnants to my order if I’m only getting one thing, gives you a chance to experiment with other interesting fabrics.